Preventing Damage To Property
Holiday Tips For Tenants
Blogs | Property Management | Rental Home Decoration | Tenant FAQ | Posted on December 10, 2018 at by rmWebProUser
Holidays are exciting! Friends and family drop-ins, parties, shopping, gifts arriving, travel . . . it’s definitely not business as usual. We at Austin Fleck Property Management of Gilbert love the holiday season. We want our clients to love it too, so we offer here a few Christmas tips for tenants to give you peace
Home Warranties on Rental Properties: Yes or No?
Blogs | Property Management | Rehab and Repairs | Posted on September 14, 2018 at by rmWebProUser
At Austin Fleck Property Management of Gilbert AZ, we’re asked a multitude of questions concerning insurance on rental home properties. We’ve written about Landlord and Tenant insurances in the past, so click on the links if you’d like to know more about these insurances. But there is another insurance that many rental home property owners
Preventing Tenant Damage to Your Property
Tenant Screening | Posted on September 28, 2016 at by rmWebProUser
As a landlord or a real estate investor, you always have to be concerned about the condition of your property, especially when it is in-between tenants. One of the many benefits for an investor that property management companies provide is preparing their rental for a new tenant. Obviously, since tenants use a rental home for