Holiday Tips For Tenants

Holiday Tips For Tenants

December 10, 2018

Holidays are exciting! Friends and family drop-ins, parties, shopping, gifts arriving, travel . . . it’s definitely not business as usual. We at Austin Fleck Property Management of Gilbert love the holiday season. We want our clients to love it too, so we offer here a few Christmas tips for tenants to give you peace of mind during this busy time.

I’ll Be Home For Christmas

Being home for the holidays is a great time for enjoying friends and family. It’s also a time when unexpected events can pop up that can create worry, anxiety, and trauma. So you’ll want to make sure you and yours are safe and secure. Reassess your emergency plans, review your security arrangements and reconnect with your neighbors. Be ready for the unexpected by planning ahead and maintaining relationship with others in your community and neighborhood. A good plan, not just for the holidays, but year-round.

If you are going away, you’ll want to make it look like the house is occupied. In this day and age, electronic devices can program lights and music to be on at appropriate times, and security cameras can track whatever is happening outside. Mail and package deliveries can be held until you return. Make sure to tell your trusted neighbors of your travel plans and give them contact information so they can reach you if needed.

Fa La La La La

Holiday decorating brings out the creative side in everybody. It’s fun to turn your home into a seasonal wonderland! But if you have a live tree, be sure it is fresh, well-anchored, well-watered and well away from all heat sources. Also, check any lights or electric ornaments for signs of exposed wiring or short circuits. You want to have a safe holiday!

And as a tenant, remember that you are in a rented home. If you hang decorations on the walls and you need to use nails, you will need to repair those holes after the decorations are down. Anything larger than nail holes is not considered normal wear and tear, so be careful with that hammer! It’s also a good idea to check with Homeowner Associations for any restrictions or guidelines on outdoor displays. And if you have to do any climbing, be safe and use reliable equipment.

Jingle Bells

Ah, the sound of the doorbell! The first guest has arrived. Let the festivities begin! But long before the party starts, you’ll want to prepare the house for extra people. Your first priority is making certain your renter’s insurance is current! It’s for your protection and also for the protection of your guests. After that, you may want to assign places to eat and drink where spills are easily cleaned up and people are comfortable. Pre-planning a party means anticipating that whatever may go wrong should have a ready solution. And after all the prep, take a bit of time to relax so you can enjoy being the marvelous host that you are.

God Rest Ye Merry Gentle Folks

We at Austin Fleck Property Management of Gilbert hope these Christmas tips for tenants are helpful. As always, we desire that our many years of experience in property management can benefit you and that our valued relationship can continue to grow. Have a safe and happy holiday season, and let nothing you dismay!



Images used under creative commons license (Commercial Use) 12/10/2018   Photo by tock+Photo&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=credit”>Nicole De Khors from tock+Photo&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=credit”>Burst