[VIDEO] FAQ: Can I Restrict the Number of People Who Live in My Rental?
September 6, 2017
It’s in your best interest to avoid cramming too many people into your apartment or rental home, since more occupants means more wear and tear.
Occupancy Standards
At Austin Fleck Property Management, we adhere to the standards set forth by the 1991 Keating Memorandum. This memorandum addressed the issue of occupancy, stating that applying a standard of two people per bedroom is considered reasonable under the Fair Housing Act.
Under this guideline, for example, 6 occupants can be housed in three-bedroom home — regardless of their ages and sex.
Exception in Tempe
There is one exception, though, if you live in the city of Tempe.
The following video explains more about how many people can live in a rental — and what Tempe’s code ordinance means for renters and landlords there.